- Elderly dog ​​joint care mattressJuno Magazine Late Summer 2023 Issue 85

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The Latest Issue of Summer Juno Magazine

Issue 85 - Summer 2023

What’s inside JUNO Late Summer, Issue 85

JUNO’s ethos is based on conscious parenting, sustainability, social justice, non-violence and a commitment to personal growth and spiritual awareness. Our Summer issue is packed full of supportive and informative features and columns, including:

  • Kintsugi Mama: seeing the beauty in our changed bodies
  • Natural Term Breastfeeding: mothers breastfeeding beyond babyhood
  • Motherhood Healing: Isla Ure discusses breath as medicine
  • Family Volunteering: Amy Hutchins reflects on the experience of working on a wildlife conservation reserve with her husband and children
  • Home Ed: learning through living
  • Parenting on Instinct: Emma Foley explains how listening to her inner voice brought peace (and more sleep!) to her family
  • A celebration of breastfeeding from our Instagram community
  • Waves: Hannah Thomas shares the grief of losing her baby and how nature is teaching her to heal
  • Creativity for Wellbeing: why the arts are the new lifestyle supplement
  • Interview with The Wild Zinnia
  • Reviews: sustainable clothing
  • Life on the Land: from imagination to creation
  • Craft: learn how to make a macramé plant hanger
  • Empowered Birth: be your own authority

Plus all your other favourite regulars including Mindful Dad, My Teen, Reflections on Healing, Home Education, A Page for Young People, My Life My Way, and book reviews for all ages.